38 ski areas in seven countries and more than 2,000 km of runs certified!
As of March 2018 a total of 38 ski areas in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Greece and the United States use the seal of approval for 'Verified Length of Runs', thus ensuring greater transparency and customer-friendliness in the winter sports industry. Taken together, the resorts certified from winter 2018/19 have a total of around 18.0 million skier visits. These guests see the seal on trailmaps and information boards in the respective ski areas. Moreover there are the visitors to the websites of the respective resorts on which the seal is also present. Become part of the growing number of ski areas that rely on honest communication instead of exaggerating marketing promises!Divergence of communicated length of runs
from reality (Alps – entire territory, July 2015).
The Seal of Approval
Thanks to the seal "Verified Length of runs" for the first time ski areas have the chance to have their actual length of runs verified by a credible and independent authority.
In order to be awarded the "Verified Length of runs" label, the length of all snowsports runs including pistes and ski routes is measured based on the centerline of the slopes, ie along a line that always runs in the middle between the left and right edge of the piste or ski route.
Background: In January 2013 Christoph Schrahe revealed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper that many ski resorts advertise themselves by claiming more piste kilometres than they actually have, the story went ‘viral’ and struck a chord with ski publiucations in many countries. . Since then his name stands for competence in measuring piste length.
Your Seal "Verified Length of Runs"
Are you interested to obtain the Seal of Approval ‚Verified Length of Runs’?
Please email us and we will inform you about our terms and conditions.
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